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Expressing our Faith – Through our ancient liturgy, we join with the saints across time and space to be present with God in worship. Through music, scripture, pray, and proclamation, we contribute to the beauty of the world, proclaim the truth, give voice to the voiceless, feed all who are hungry in body or soul, and are reminded of hope. Worship is both the place we find our faith and its ultimate expression.

Forming our Faith – No matter your age or stage of life, we are about the task of making disciples, literally “students” of the faith. By participating in classes, fellowship, discernment groups, care for one another, and the formation of the service itself, we learn, practice, and tell the story of our faith. We come to know that it is our story, and we find our unique place in the tapestry of God’s eternal design.

Living our Faith – Our faith has to matter. It should change not only us, but our world. We are called to be apostles – those “sent out” to do God’s work. We seek to make the kingdom of God a tangible reality in our world and let people know that there is good news. Our goal is to sooth the suffering, befriend the lonely, defend the dignity of every human being, and all for the love of God and God’s creation.

Our tradition is built on a cycle, like the rhythms of the natural world. You can focus for a season of life on any one of these areas, but ultimately, to have a deeper faith and more abundant life we need to be part of all of these actions – expressing, forming, living – to be a faith-full people.


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