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At The End of the Day

Look into the eyes and souls of men from the Greatest Generation. Time is fast running out; more than 600 American Second World War veterans are dying every day.

“At the End of the Day”, a series of exquisite portraits of Second World War veterans will be coming to Peoria. St. Paul’s Church will host an exclusive showing of the 29, life size, oil-on-linen paintings. This impressive collection has been more than twelve years in the making and has been exhibited internationally.

In 2003, artist Catherine Jones began work on her series, paying tribute to the courage and sacrifices of the every-day soldier. Transcending the geopolitics of war, the theme is forgiveness and reconciliation. By depicting American, Canadian, British and German veterans without identification or military insignia, this multi-layered art piece reveals the humanity behind the mask of war. This powerful message has been transformative.

Miss Jones, for whom veterans have always held a special place, states:  “Forgiveness is one of the rarest of human attributes. What does it tell us that these men–literally, once mortal enemies–have been able to sit down and raise a glass together? W. G. Jones, the artist’s father, was a Canadian POW during the Second World War.

In 2003, “At the End of the Day” was exhibited in Italy and was unveiled in the Senate of Canada in 2004. In 2005, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, “the boys” toured the provincial legislatures cross-Canada.

The exhibit opened in Chicago on Veterans Day 2014 at St. James Cathedral with the unveiling of a portrait of retired Bishop Montgomery. The St. Paul’s opening will unveil a portrait of one of our own veterans, Bob Dageforde. The ceremony of remembrance is a tribute to all veterans and open to the community. Family and friends are encouraged to join veterans and share their own stories at the reception following. The portraits will remain on display through June 19th for individual and group viewings.


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