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Sermons from 2020

Good Friday

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? These words we hear every year are the final cry of Jesus, alone and dying a terrible painful death. He has been through a harrowing journey, abandoned by friends who promised they would never leave him, and mocked by crowds who once listened to his teaching.…

Palm Sunday

There’s nothing particularly surprising about Jesus going into Jerusalem, going towards the Temple. This isn’t his first time. St. Luke tells us that Joseph and Mary took him every year for Passover, St. John’s Gospel places him there during other major feasts. But it is clear from the way people are acting in today’s Gospel…

Third Sunday in Lent

“Is the Lord among us or not?” This is the question that ends our passage from the Hebrew Scriptures, and it’s a question that relates to our Gospel passage as well. Is God among us? Our Gospel story today begins by introducing the setting – Jacob’s well. There is a famous story about this Jacob,…